Hi folks! I am Matteo, a 2nd year PhD student in Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems at SISSA, Trieste.
This is my webpage. Here you’ll find some random post, my scarce research results, memes and more stuff. Enjoy!
📌 Pinned posts
- My collection of records/vinyls.
- 📸 Here are some pictures of me and famous scientists!
📚 Publications
Here is my Google Scholar link.
- Fumagalli, Maria Rita and Saro, Stella Maria and Tajana, Matteo and Zapperi, Stefano and La Porta, Caterina A.M. - Quantitative analysis of disease-related metabolic dysregulation of human microbiota; iScience 26 1, 105868 (2023) DOI:
- Tajana, Matteo and Trovato, Antonio and Tiana, Guido - Key interaction patterns in proteins revealed by cluster expansion of the partition function; Eur. Phys. J. E 45 11, 95 (2022) DOI:
✍️ Posts
- – Wear Sunscreen - Italian Version/Adaptation
- – A Cool Frontpage in LaTeX with tikz
- – Typesetting Nucleobases in LaTeX with chemfig
- – Me and Famous Scientists
- – My favorite xkcd memes
- – My Collection of Records
- – Le Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis: Lettera da Ventimiglia
- – Typesetting Amino Acids in LaTeX with chemfig